Message from Our Head of School


March 24, 2020

Dear Ambleside Parents, 

Thank you for all your gracious patience as we respond to the new situation with COVID-19.  

Due to the Governor’s Executive Order yesterday, Ambleside will end instruction in the building for the remainder of the school year as we join the effort to suppress this virus. We find ourselves in the unique position of accomplishing our mission in a different way than planned, but we are moving forward with “undaunted courage.”   

We will continue At Home Learning throughout the Spring; our last day of school will be June 5th. We have been encouraged by the resilience of our students in adapting their learning to these circumstances, the faithfulness of our parent support, and the tenacity of our teachers in navigating these uncharted waters.  It has been delightful to see the good work being done at home and the good conversations continuing online.    

Even so, we will need to make some adjustments to sustain all of us through the end of the school year and prepare students for their next grade level successfully.  It has been helpful to hear your feedback over the past few days, and we hope to be able to reach every family for feedback by the beginning of next week.  

To allow the needed planning time for continuing school through the Spring, we are extending our scheduled Spring Break (originally April 6th - 13th) to April 17th.  From the 14th - 17th, teachers and staff will be working together to adjust and plan for sustaining At Home Learning for teachers, parents, and students until the year’s end.  After the break, we will announce any changes, and update you about Spring events including exams, Shakespeare, and graduation.

I share with all of you our deep disappointment at this turn of events.  We are especially saddened for our 8th grade students and will be working to make their last Spring at Ambleside meaningful, despite the situation.  

In the meantime, please know that we miss all of you and dearly miss your children.  

Thank you more than ever for the privilege of educating them.  

For the Children’s Sake, 


UpdateAmbleside School