Join us on Friday, April 4, for our second annual Ambleside Experience!
Your Invitation
The Destination
Friday, April 4, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
The Atrium at Meadowlark Gardens
9750 Meadowlark Gardens Ct, Vienna, VA 22182
Welcome Reception
Your Ambleside Experience begins as you step into the lush tranquility of Meadowlark Gardens’ Atrium for a cocktail reception. Exploring a flourishing garden of living plants, relax and socialize while admiring displays of student work. Learn from student-led demonstrations of the natural sciences, and stop by to chat with masters of horticulture and perfumery. Step directly outside into the White Garden to enjoy fresh spring air and arrays of daffodils.
Garden Tour
Next is our self-guided tour of Meadowlark’s gardens and grounds, taking you through collections of both ornamental and native plants. Visit the Volgeneau Conservatory containing Mediterranean plants, wander the Korean Bell Garden or climb the Spiral Mound. Maps will be provided.
Dinner is Served
For the evening meal, enjoy a delicious spring- inspired buffet from Merone’s family-owned catering, replete with garden-fresh ingredients, savory entrees and fruity desserts.
Featured Speaker: Dr. Scott Redd
Dr. Scott Redd is the president, Executive Director, and Stephen B. Elmer Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary. He cares deeply about the teaching and application of Scripture to all situations in life, particularly in a learning and worshiping community. You will hear him speak on vivid biblical garden imagery and the cultivated Christian life.
A Living Education
We bring our evening to a close with an overview and invitation to come alongside the mission of Ambleside School.
Proceeds from our Ambleside Experience help to underwrite strategic initiatives:
Need-based Scholarships
Teacher Training
Retention Programming
Enrollment Enrichment and Expansion
Join Us
Ambleside Sponsors
Hero................ $10,000
Champion........ $5,000
Captain............ $2,500
Table Host………$1,500
event sponsors
Sponsor Sign…$1,000
Sponsor Full Slide…$500
Sponsor 1/2 Slide….$300
Ambleside Hero – $10,000
VIP Event Opportunities
Two reserved parking spaces
One traditionally handmade, all-natural perfume with lavender sachet from living historian and master craftsman, Rebecca Suerdieck.
American made, Dick Taylor craft chocolate bar for 10 guests
Fourth Edition of local publication Native Plants for Northern Virginia for 10 guests
Premier reserved table for 10 guests includes dinner and full program featuring reception with living historian and crafter of traditional perfumes Rebecca Suerdieck, garden tours, chocolate tasting and more.
Sponsor two-minute live presentation and guest welcome during program and live announcement recognition
Sponsor Logo On:
Ambleside Notes school e-newsletter for the 2025 – 2026 school academic year
School website event page for one year
Broadcast email invitation for the event
Recognition on unique Hero event PowerPoint presentation slide
Event table centerpiece card
Ambleside Champion – $5,000
VIP Event Opprtunities
Fourth Edition of local publication Native Plants for Northern Virginia for 10 guests
American made, Dick Taylor craft chocolate bar for 6 guests
Premier reserved table for 10 guests includes dinner and full program featuring reception with living historian and crafter of traditional perfumes Rebecca Suerdieck, garden tours, chocolate tasting and more.
Sponsor Logo On
Ambleside Notes e-newsletter for the 2025 – 2026 school academic year
School website event page for one year
Recognition on unique Champions event PowerPoint presentation slide
Event table centerpiece card
Ambleside Captain – $2,500
VIP Event Opportunities
American made, Dick Taylor craft chocolate bar for 2 guests
Premier reserved table for 10 guests includes dinner and full program featuring reception with living historian and crafter of traditional perfumes Rebecca Suerdieck, garden tours, chocolate tasting and more.
Sponsor Logo On
Recognition on unique Captains event PowerPoint presentation slide
Event table centerpiece card
Event Sponsors
Signage Sponsor - $1,000
Event signage
Full page on sponsor slide deck
2 event tickets
Full Slide Sponsor - $500
Full page on sponsor slide deck
2 event tickets
Half Slide Sponsor - $250
1/2 page on sponsor slide deck
2 event tickets
Table Host – $1,500
Reserved table for 10 guests includes dinner and full program featuring reception with living historian and crafter of traditional perfumes Rebecca Suerdieck, garden tours, chocolate tasting and more.
Name on event table centerpiece card
Individual Guest Ticket – $150
Reserved seating ticket includes dinner and full program featuring reception with living historian and crafter of traditional perfumes Rebecca Suerdieck, garden tours, chocolate tasting and more.