What Does Joy Look Like?

What does joy look like? 

It’s a simple enough question, but it does cause one to pause. 

I was asked this question at the principals conference I attended last month in Denver, alongside other principals and heads of school from Ambleside Schools across the country. The lecturer, Michel Hendricks, co-author of The Other Half of Church, answered it after a moment with a picture of a baby smiling bright-faced at his mom. 

Do we have those bright-faced, joy moments ourselves? Do our children? And if so, when? Do joy moments happen at school? 

Recently, we had our first (to my knowledge) Indoor Field Day (thanks to the rain). It began with Buddy Games in the classrooms, followed by a potluck lunch in the gym, and then more games in the afternoon. As I observed various aspects of the day—Four Corners with 5th graders and their 2nd grade buddies, alumni students visiting with old friends in the gym, and the raucous engagement of the 7th graders with Pirate Ship—the one constant was joy. It was good (more than good—great!) to be me here with you. 

As I reflected on the day, I came back to all that I was thankful for that led to that joy-filled afternoon:

  • Mr. and Mrs. Costello who organized it so thoughtfully,

  • all of the parents who not only contributed to the potluck but joined in as well,

  • the parent volunteers who stuck with us and led their games indoors,

  • the parents who lingered and chatted in the Reception Room,

  • and finally, the smiles, laughter, and joyful noise that filled this building to the brim. 

Experiences of shared joy build community. And that’s just what we did.

Kristin Nowak, M.Ed.

Head of School