The gift of education

I was driving the kids to school one day and had the radio on -- scanning the channels. I wasn't really paying attention when all of a sudden, the kids are yelling, "Stop! Stop! Stop the radio!" It was a classical music station, and my seven-year-old wants me to stop there!

The kids shared with me that this was a piece of music that they had been studying in school and a composer that they recognized. I can't even remember who it was, but it made me stop and be thankful for Ambleside and all the things that the students are studying and learning.

Like how to appreciate the value of recognizing classical music and composers . . . how they are in tune with the discipline of really listening to a piece of music or studying a piece of art. It's all a product of them being at Ambleside. It made me think back to when we found Ambleside.

I had taught kindergarten at a Christian school years earlier and was exposed to the philosophy of a Classical Christian education. I loved my experience there, but when our ministry required us to relocate, we started researching some options for our own, young family. Asking around, some fellow church members whose kids attended Ambleside encouraged us to go on a tour and see what Ambleside was all about.

We really liked what we saw and liked what we heard. Their philosophy of education, their vision, and being a Christian school as well was wonderful. And at the time, the school was only about five minutes from us — it was really convenient.

We loved the idea of our kids being able to attend a school where they focused on loving to learn versus learning for a test or grades.

We knew we would love our kids to be able to attend, but the finance piece was kind of a big question mark for us. Being in full-time ministry with only one income, and being a stay-at-home mom, we were concerned we couldn’t cover tuition.

But in talking with the leadership of Ambleside, we found they were very prayerful in their approach to things. They were intentional in saying, “Our resources and our provision come from the Lord.” They were committed to praying that the Lord would provide exactly what the school and families needed and being generous with whatever the Lord provided.

Everyone at Ambleside is really eager for more people to be able to experience an education with the Charlotte Mason philosophy, and they were dedicated to removing financial barriers for us. We were awarded assistance and now, years later, all our school-age children attend.

We’ve been with Ambleside over the years and followed along with the school’s location moves. Our youngest daughter asked me last night, “Why don’t we just go to the school next door to us?” We literally have a school about 200 yards from our house. By a rough count, we drive past seven or eight schools to get to Ambleside now.

I told her that not every school teaches that a person is created in God’s image and we have the great privilege of participating in Ambleside every day.

It was helpful for me to reflect on all of this again. It’s so rare to have an education that is not just Christian in name, but Christian in its core convictions about who God is, and how people can be and ought to be in light of who God has revealed himself to be in His Word.

As parents, the opportunity to give our kids the gift of this kind of education in their most formative years was ours because Ambleside gave us this gift through God’s financial provision.

Dear Ambleside Family and Friends,

“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!”

The family story we’ve shared keeps us mindful of the Lord’s provision through annual gifts . . . for simple yet amazing blessings: students who recognize and delight in classical music; families who now have a legacy of attendance at our school and praise God for the knowledge and understanding of the gift of Christ.

Our Ambleside community includes families and students from all walks of life — families who are in full- time ministry, single parents, and those who are hardworking yet fall below the level needed to support full tuition. In this current 2024 – 2025 academic year, 33 students and 17 families have been awarded financial assistance. But we still need $50,000 more for our $156,000 annual fundraising goal.

Your annual gift also supports the costs we have for teacher training during this year like attendance at Ambleside’s Summer Institute, Internships, and enrichment field trips. All have a cost but provide the return of well-trained and engaged staff.

During this time of year, when gift lists and celebrations are abundant, we know that we’re able to serve these families and teachers because you’ve placed Ambleside on your gift list. It is through your generous provision that we are able to faithfully provide assistance.

As celebration, we want to share with you the full list of our students this year and the 2025 calendar. Over 20% of the students listed are here because of you and your special gift this Christmas.

To God be the glory,


Ted Watkins