A World of Deep Delight


A World of Deep Delight


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As he was for Charlotte Mason, so is Thomas Traherne one of our favorite poets, for Traherne saw and knew what few see and know today–the glory of the “works of God.” For those who have eyes to see, the divine majesty is manifest in the good and the beauty of nature, the good and the beauty of human persons, and the good and beautiful work of human hands. Marred, corrupted, even enslaved by sin, undoubtedly, but something of the original glory of Eden remains around us and in us. An inability to see this glory and delight in it greatly impoverishes us and gives Satan more ground than he might otherwise have.

“All things came into being through Him, and without Him not one thing came into being” (John 1:3). For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, the world is a gift, our inheritance from Him. At Ambleside schools, every day we seek to mediate this gift. Much of human flourishing depends on it.

Read the rest of this blog post from Ambleside Schools International.

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