Christmas Reflections: A Hint of Christmas

By Dr. Bill St Cyr

I have before me a six-year-old’s rendering of a giraffe. Its body has the shape of a large tennis ball, yellow with streaks of orange. Its neck reminds one of a long rigid cane cut from a Louisiana sugar field. A banana seems to serve for a tail, and four large green tree trunks for legs. It is all together delightful. Even more delightful was the way it was presented to me, with a smile and kindness. It was a wonderful piece of play and even more wonderful, that a bright-eyed child would, without vulgar display, freely present such a gift to her former principal. There was a tinge of grace in the play, the picture, and the presentation. Such graces shape the heart of a child. Such graces make for a hint of Christmas every day.

Read the rest of this blog post from Ambleside Schools International.